Our store pricing options offer lots of flexibility, enabling you to set either single or multiple prices for each store item. For instance, if you're selling a product with various options such as sizes S, M, or L, you can assign a distinct price for each variation.
Pricing different content types
Specifying the content type opens distinct pricing options:
Digital item pricing
Digital items can have a single price, or multiple price options:
Digital items by-the-minute
Items priced by-the-minute include the single and multiple pricing options, but also include duration minimums and maximums:
Physical items that require shipping
Items that require shipping include both the single and multiple pricing options (same as digital items NOT per-minute). If the physical item option is selected, you are also shown the shipping zones feature.
Store Extras provide the option to include add-ons and upsells with the store item. Prices can even be set to $0 if you don't want to charge more.
β See our Complete features & benefits list