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🀝 Our Support Promise
🀝 Our Support Promise's promise to provide the best Support in the industry

Updated over a week ago

We pride ourselves on our fanatical support. We aim to offer friendly, helpful and timely support that reflects our commitment to our client experience goals.

We promise to:

  • Maintain an average human response time of less than 1 hour
    For as long as we have been tracking, we've maintained a sub-1 hour median response time. And as we grow, that will not change. You'll never be waiting very long for a reply.

  • Be friendly, helpful and respectful
    We consider our creators to be partners, not merely users of our platform. Unlike traditional support approaches that depend on forms and standardized replies, we make reaching us easy, via our always open live chat where you can reach a human who will help you to resolve your questions.

πŸ€– Bot Automation

Yes, we use bots! But our bots are pretty smart, and always getting smarter. And they actually resolve over 65% of all incoming conversations instantly. The chart below shows the split between self-serve and human support on an average day.

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πŸ™‹ Human Support

For those questions that need a human touch, we usually get to, on average, in under one hour. Here are our current response times:

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